- Care and Handling Requirements:
- Medical instruments must be cleaned, lubricated, sterilized, and inspected before each use.
- Instruments should only be used as intended; improper use voids responsibility for damages by ZIANA INDUSTRIES.
- Critical Processing Steps:
- Decontamination: Follow local Health & Safety procedures.
- Cleaning: After each use, ultrasonic cleaning and hand washing of delicate instruments in a neutral pH solution (7.0 to 8.5) are required.
- Lubrication: Use water-soluble, antimicrobial lubricant on dry instruments after cleaning.
- Inspection: Conduct thorough inspections to ensure proper function and secure all parts.
- Sterilization:
- Instruments may be autoclaved, steam sterilized, or treated with ETO gas, especially for delicate items.
- Warnings:
- Only qualified personnel should handle the instruments.
- Follow manufacturer instructions for cleaning agents and avoid harsh chemicals.
- Ensure temperatures do not exceed 140°C and avoid high alkaline solutions.
- Separate processing for instruments made from different metals is required to prevent damage.
- Cleaning Precautions:
- Avoid mechanical damage during transportation.
- Transport instruments to the processing area promptly.
- Do not soak in hot water or harsh substances.
- Use only specifically formulated cleaning agents.
- Storage:
- The shelf life of sterilized devices varies based on storage conditions and must be defined by the healthcare facility.
- Warranty:
- ZIANA INDUSTRIES guarantees compliance with national/international standards, including the EU Medical Device Directive (CE marking).
This summary encapsulates the essential aspects of care, handling, and warranty for the medical instruments provided by ZIANA INDUSTRIES. Let me know if you need more details or clarification on any specific section!